Nobelesse Oblige
A podcast rating and reviewing all of the Nobel laureates from 1901 until we run out of people.
30 episodes
JJ Thomson
We return to merry old England this episode as we cover our next physics laureate. Listen as we describe what is often considered the most productive period of the Cavendish Laboratory, and what else JJ was up to besides.
Season 1
Episode 13

Philipp Lenard
Content Warning: This episode's subject was literally a NaziThis episode, we see what happens when bigotry gets in the way of science. Then, because Quinn is petty, we have a nice palette cleanser.
Season 1
Episode 12

2023 Nobel Prizes
Just in time for this year's Nobel Prize ceremony, we have our episode explaining this year's Nobel Prizes. Enjoy listening to us try to explain mRNA vaccines, rage against misogyny, and... wait, is that the Romans?
Episode 11

Lord Rayleigh
After a much longer than anticipated delay, here's our episode on John William Strutt, aka Lord Rayleigh. He did a lot, but is it enough to get him Nobelesse Oblige?
Season 1
Episode 11

What is Literature?
We're taking the plunge into the Literature prizes! Join us as Maggie gives us a crash course on literary history and theory, and Quinn abuses his new-found knowledge of the literary canon.
Season 2
Episode 0

The 33rd First Annual IgNobel Prizes
It's that time of year again, when the most important awards in scientific research are announced. That's right, it's the IgNobel Prizes! We're a little late but here are the latest and greatest in scientific discoveries that first make you lau...
Episode 10

Ranking the Curies
For our final episode of ☢️Hot☢️ Girl Summer, we're finally ranking Marie and Pierre Curie! Come learn even more details about their life that we couldn't fit directly into the narrative, and find out if both Curies get Nobelesse Oblige.
Season 1
Episode 10

Marie Curie Pt. 4
It's episode 4 of ☢️Hot☢️ Girl Summer, and we are wrapping up the life of Marie Curie. Find out how we go from... everything that's happened, to the Marie Curie that we know today.
Season 1
Episode 9

Marie Curie Pt. 3
We're on part 3 of ☢️Hot☢️ Girl Summer, and y'all might want to sit down for this one. Today we're covering Marie's life from the death of Pierre to the beginning of WWI, and somehow neither of those are the most shocking event that happens.
Season 1
Episode 8

Marie Curie Pt. 2
It's part 2 of ☢️Hot☢️ Girl Summer! This episode we revisit the joint career of Pierre and Marie Curie, but from Marie's perspective.
Season 1
Episode 7

Marie Curie Pt. 1
Welcome to our first episode of ☢️Hot☢️ Girl Summer! Today we're discussing Marie's early life in Poland and her time in France up to her marriage to Pierre. Oh, and there's a brief summary of 300 years of Polish history.
Season 1
Episode 6

Pierre Curie
Happy birthday to Pierre Curie! In celebration, we're taking a look at his fascinating life and untimely death. This part one of our 3(?) part series on the Curies.
Season 1
Episode 5

Henri Becquerel
We promise this isn't an April Fool's Joke, it's Henri Becquerel! Not only did he discover radioactivity, he also... uhhh... oh, who are we kidding, this is a prelude for the Curies. Stick around until the end, though. We have some important an...
Season 1
Episode 4

Pieter Zeeman
The Zeeman episode is finally here! Does the second Physics Laureate for 1902 have Nobelesse Oblige, or is he just a guy?Pieter Zeeman
Season 1
Episode 3

Quickdraw! ft/ Ranking '76, Pontifacts, and Tsar Power
Quinn was invited to help Matt from Ranking '76 redeem himself in this trivia gameshow, alongside some other lovely Rexy folks. Let's see how that worked out for them...Check out our amazing sister Rexy Pods:

Crackpot Physics Papers w/ Elspeth Olson
What happens when a physics professor who is interested in the intersection of physics, religion and philosophy starts saving a bunch of papers? We brought Elspeth Olson on to discuss some of them.Thank you to the University of Nevada, R...
Season 1

Hendrik Lorentz
We're sneaking it in at the end of the year, but here is our episode on Hendrik Lorentz. The leading figure of Dutch physics at the turn of the century had a hand in many of the developments in physics at that time, but is it enough to earn him...
Season 1
Episode 2

Wilhelm Röntgen
Appropriately, this episode is being released on the 127th anniversary of Wilhelm Röntgen's Nobel winning research. Find out the wild story of his big discovery and whether it was enough to get him Nobelesse Oblige.
Season 1
Episode 1

History of Physics
It turns out covering millennia of physics history in less than 2 hours is a herculean task, but we did it anyway! We go through a fast and dirty overview of the development of physics up to 1900 and cover some of the basics that we'll need to ...
Season 1
Episode 0

2022 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
This year's Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics was awarded to Ben Bernanke, Douglas Diamond, and Philip Dybvig. Learn how their work shaped the response to the 2008 financial crisis.
Episode 9

2022 Nobel Prize in Peace
This year's Nobel Peace laureates are Ales Bialiatski, Memorial, and the Center for Civil Liberties. Each has done incredible work to protect human rights and hold accountable those who disregard the inherent worth of human life.To dona...
Episode 8

2022 Nobel Prize in Literature
Today, the 2022 Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Annie Ernaux. Learn how her piercing writing style and fearless exploration of her own past helps illuminate the human experience.
Episode 7

2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Carolyn Bertozzi, Morten Meldal, and K. Barry Sharpless were awarded the 2022 Chemistry Nobel Prize for developing the fields of click chemistry and bioorthogonal chemistry. We explain how these relatively simple concepts have huge implications...
Episode 6